Sunday, July 5, 2009

My 30th Birthday

Okay, so I know that my birthday was over a month ago. As my beautiful sister Lisa pointed out...I suck at blogging. This is true. I am so busy all of the time it is really hard to make the time to blog. And I, unlike some others do not have help from my husband. He is an admin but NEVER blogs. So it is left up to me. So back to my birthday. It was a beautiful, wonderful day. Unfortunately it was a Sunday. I hate having my birthday on a Sunday. I am not sure why, it is just a bummer. But I bet that is how some people feel when their birthday is on a holiday. I am not sure, that is just a guess. Anyway, so I was awoken early to open gifts. I think because one gift in particular was something I could wear to church. So I opened my gifts and I got some wonderful things from the 'Rents and Hayley. Lots of cute clothes and such. But the highlight of the morning was my gift from Dennis. Let me back up and say that I had been eyeing a dress from Macy's for months. It was beautiful, but I couldn't just buy it for no reason. So I just admired it when we went there. I even tried it on once. This dress is so "me". I nicknamed her Michelle after Michelle Phillips from the Mama's and the Papa's.

It reminded me of that era. And anyone who knows me knows that I was born about 20 years too late. I would like to consider myself a modern day hippie who has a job.

Okay, so back to the gift from Dennis. I opened the box and there is was....Michelle. I nearly cried and told Dennis how much I loved her. He also got me jewelry to go with it. And he picked it all out on his own. What a guy! Here is a pic we took a few weeks later.

Later on we had dinner with the family. The good thing about having a birthday on a Sunday is that the whole family comes for dinner. My mom and I had been debating for days on which cake to have for my birthday. She offered to make one of my favorites that is a rarity around here. It is a chocolate praline cake. It is not the most beautiful, but it is seriously SO delicious. So overall, it was a great 30th. I look forward to a whole new decade.

**The necklace Dennis got to go with my dress is in the above picture. I love it!


Lisa said...

LOVE the necklace--I don't think I'd seen in yet. And I'm so sad we missed your birthday. Not just because I haven't had that cake in years. Glad you had such a fabulous birthday!! You deserve it!

Chad said...

"I would like to consider myself a modern day hippie who has a job."

Let me add "and doesn't smell bad!" to that too.

Happy birthday a month after the fact!

CaraDee said...

That dress is CUTE and looks great on you! I like the undershirt you are wearing. I hate wearing the short sleeved version with dresses, but now I will try a mid-length sleeve. Looks great! Happy Birthday a month ago!

Stacey said...

Happy late birthday, dollface! I can't tell you how much I love that dress! It's beautiful and "go Dennis" for getting it!

Emily said...

Such a cute dress, and such a sweet husband! Go Dennis and Go Michelle!! You look hot!