Monday, January 24, 2011

The demise of the bookstore

I went to a bookstore this morning and it actually made me a little sad. I love bookstores. In fact, I used to work at one. There is something magical about the smell of a bookstore and aisles and aisles of books. I have been reading a lot lately about how bookstores are on the verge on bankruptcy. With the digital age we live in, books are becoming obsolete. I don't own a digital bookreader and perhaps I don't know the joy of one. But to me there is something about cracking open a new book. Or re-reading an old favorite. I know books take up a lot of space, but to me they are wonderful. I hope that bookstores don't go away completely...but I guess only time will tell.


krebscout said...

I was thinking it was online book-sellers that was putting physical bookstores out of business, not e-books. And even if they diminish, I think we're all all-around too nostalgic for physical books for them to go away completely for a long, long time.

Misa said...

I agree, I love reading books. My roommate uses a digital bookreader and its not the same.