Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Beauty that is Turbo Kickbox

As some of you know I have started working out at the gym. I was very hesitant to start. I was perfectly happy sitting home watching tv. Then I realized that even though I lost all of this weight I did not look the way I wanted to. And the only way to fix that was to exercise. I can only hope to look and be as strong in the core as my mom and Lisa. So I thought about how I was going to do it and did not like the thought of getting up at 5 am and walking on the treadmill. So I remembered my sister saying...try the classes. She said she was a "class girl". She liked working out in that setting. I thought I was so not a "class girl". And dreaded the thought of working out after work. Isn't that the perfect time to go home and veg out? Well, a girlfriend from work and I decided one day...Let's do it! So we got the schedules and planned to go. When it came time to go I tried to get out of it and she told me I had to go. So I went and although I am sure I looked like a fool, so did 50% of the class! So the next day I was so sore I thought I would die, but we went back. And here we are weeks into it and loving every minute of it. Even when my girlfriend cannot make it, I still go. And let me just say that working out after work is perfect! You are dragging after work and you force yourself to the gym. After the workout you feel amazing and it gives you about 2 hours of energy to finish out the evening and accomplish all you set out to. Then you crash hard and sleep like a baby. So, back to the title...the beauty that is turbo kickbox. This class was recommended by none other than Ms. Schader. It is so hard, fast, intense...amazing! I love this class! It challenges me every single time. There are always new people so you are never the "new kid" after the first time. The instructors really drive you. It makes me feel so great! The other class I enjoy is Power Pump. This is primarily weight and strength training. I feel so strong after that class. And let me tell you before I started I had no bicep....none. Now I have a teeny tiny muscle growing. Why did I not start working out years ago??? And for the record I am now a "class girl".


Stacey said...

Go Amanda! Classes are so fun. Have you tried spinning? It's so hard that you almost fall off the bike after class. But totally worth it.

e said...


Lisa said...

Love it! By the way, I found Rachel's post for you:

Chad said...

I think it's a great thing to work out in a class setting. I think you get a better work out and stay focused better. Good job.

The Avery Family said...

I love turbo kickboxing! I just do it at home with a DVD. I need to see you, you look great in your pictures.

@manda said...

I love love love the classes at the gym but I really have loved Yogo.......I know seems silly but it is the best thing I can do for me! Don't you love when you find something that works? You should try zumba one of these days, latin dancing with a kick box twist. SUPER FUN!!!!

Cio Hunt said...

I agree with you completely. Classes are totally addicting. :)

Shari said...

If you ever want to go to a cycling class with me, call me!