Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, the two people that read my blog have asked for an update so here it is. We are both doing well and pretty much the same! Dennis is still very involved with the scouts. He is really looking forward to BYU football season. September was supposed to be "My Month". Dennis informed me that September was my month since he has been so busy this summer with the scouts. Then he found out there are some BYU football games in September. So "My Month" turned into my month during the week and football on the weekends. Gotta love him!

I am doing well. Staying busy at work. As some of you know I am in the process of losing weight. I am not doing some crazy diet. I am doing Weight Watchers. Their theory is to count points. it is pretty basic. The food that is junk and bad for you is high points. The healthy stuff is low points. So basically you are just eating healthy. It is amazing what just eating the right foods will do for you! Anyway, last night at my weigh in I was pleasantly surprised. I have officially lost 35 pounds! I still have a ways to go, but at least I am on my way.

A few weekends ago Dennis and I had our first date in months. We went to a Japanese restaurant for dinner. Then we did something we have not done in a long time. We drove up to Squaw Peak. No, not to make out. Just to watch the sunset and look into the valley. We have been in Florida for a few years so enjoying the beauty of the mountains was much needed. It was a beautiful night. A little chilly and it had been raining earlier in the evening. For you Utah folk, if you have not been to Squaw Peak lately...Go! it is so beautiful and it is a quick drive. I sometimes forget the places we have in our own backyard.

Here I am sitting on a rock...obviously.


And Dennis...again under protest. He hates pictures.


This is us taking our own picture. We do not have the self portrait ability that Emilee does.


A view of the sunset.


And a look into the valley...


We are headed to Cedar city for the weekend. I will post all about it when we return. Hope you are all well.


Annalee said...

Man, I haven't been to Squaw peak in AGES!! We really should go up there, I bet Mason and Cam would love it. (I'm sure Cam will throw himself or his brother off the edge, however...)

I'm glad you guys are doing well! Congrats on the weightloss, that is so awesome!

I'm gearing up to be a BYU football widow as well. Chris' work has season tickets, so it's pretty much a sure thing!

e said...

Those views from Squaw Peak are so beautiful (by the way, I hope you got a kiss or two in). As for the self-portraits, you are well on your way to having them mastered -- looks good!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of and excited for you for losing thirty five pounds!

Those are some beautiful views; they remind me of Shenandoah National Park nearby.

Hey, if I'm one of two people, then who's my other personality, annalee or emilee? :-D

Jeanna GT said...

beautiful pics! and i think your self photo is great! they're not supposed to be perfect! that's why they're fun! great way to spend quality time together!

Amanda C said...

okay, maybe 4 people read my blog. :) But seriously Dana you could be either Emilee or Annalee...both are uber cool!

Natalie said...

What a beautiful sunset! You took some great pictures. Congratulations on the 35 pounds - what a great accomplishment!

Lisa Dean said...

Good job Amanda!! I wish I could say that for myself, 35 lbs is awesome!

@manda said...

looks like more than two to me! What a fun day! You are looking hot! Keep up the good work!

Natalie said...

Wow! 35 pounds! Good job!

Great sunset! I totally miss the mountains.

Lisa said...

Whatevs. I know you two made out.

Cio Hunt said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I understand how difficult it is to lose weight... but stick to it! :)

CaraDee said...

Hey, 35 pounds is QUITE the accomplishment. WW is how my Mom has been losing weight too. It always seems to work super well. Congrats. You rock!

Also, you are keeping up on your blog so well! I can barely make myself do it...blah.

Katheryn Snyder said...

those pics are great!