Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Have Been Tagged!

Everything and Anything about my amazing husband Dennis!!

A - ATV of Choice? Well, we have a four wheeler which he loves, but I would say a dirtbike...does that count?
B - Born? November 2, 1970
C - Cookies or Candy? I would say candy...especially if it is Swedish Fish
D - Date of Choice? Anything as long as we have some alone time.
E - Essential Item? His blackberry...he loves that darn thing!
F - Favorite Foods? He loves Chinese, Thai food, Sushi...he tries to stay away with anything tomato, it does not agree with him.
G - Gas or Diesel? Gas
H - Hobbies? Golf, Riding his motorcycle, camping, skiing, rock climbing
I - Favorite Ice Cream? I know he loves Pistachio milkshakes
J - Current Job? HVAC Intern
K - Kids? Yes, two of them. He hopes to have one more. :) He is a great dad!
L - Last Vacation? I think it was to Utah over Thanksgiving. We are in desperate need of a vacation.
M - Morning Person or Night Person? Definitely a night person, he is grumpy in the mornings.
N - Number of Siblings? 5
O - OCD or Sloppy? sloppy, he loves to leave wet towels on the bed.
P - Pet Peeves? Guests at amusement parks who leave their brains at the gate
Q - Quiet or Loud? Loud. He is slightly deaf from all of the concerts he has been to and talks really loud. He also likes the TV loud.
R - Restaurants? Any steakhouse, Sushi Restaurants
S - Sports? He watches them all! Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, NASCAR, Football, Golf, Etc.
T - Tightwad or Spender? He is defintely not a spender, but I wouldn't call him a tightwad either. He just hates spending money on himself. It is like pulling teeth to get him to buy something he needs or wants.
U - Unknown Fact? He loves his cats!
V - Vegetables? He eats all of them. Now fruit, that's another story
W - Worst Habit? He is a procrastinator...oh and the wet towel on the bed thing.
X - Extra curricular Activities? Golfing, Going with the scouts various places, being with his family, Riding his motorcycle
Y - Y is there no Y?
Z - Zodiac Sign? Scorpio

I am tagging...Anna, Jeanna, and Lisa Schader!


Jeanna GT said...

thanks for the tag...we'll see if i know that much about jon...

Dennis Cluff said...

Pet Peeves? Just about everything!!
The whole wet towel thing was taken care of by the robe for Dads day.

Katheryn Snyder said...

I love it! I never would've pegged Dennis as a cat lover and we share the same b-day!